13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Tuesday Week 6

Had another "feel good" day today, taken my "medicine" (shakes and bars) at periodic intervals not because I am hungry but because I must take the shakes for all the nutrition my body requires whilst losing my bulk. Its great not feeling hungry, however when the food is re-introduced it may be another story!
I have now had 10 pints of water today and still my mouth is like the bottom of a birdcage and smells worse than that! (I wish I could just chew some minty gum)

This evening I have been into the loft and pulled out all of my too small clothes, bags and bags of them ranging from 34" waist up to 50" waist, Large to 3XL tops (anything bigger is still in my wardrobe!) It was good fun sorting through them with my wife, we have placed them into piles of "wear now", "wear soon", "Wear in several months" and finally "wear one day, way in the future" I also threw out loads of things which would not have had any street cred now, they were not that old but I just don't think things like a bright yellow shirt will suit me anymore.

In my "wear now" pile I have a selection of 3xl tops & 50" waist items, not a bad drop from 56" waist and 5xl just 5 weeks ago. The sort out was long overdue, I have a wardrobe full of shirts and trousers that are just way too big now.
Mental note to self: 50" waist is still fat bastard and you cant buy them in town, Keep going!

Quote of the day: My Doctor told me to stop having intimate meals for four. Unless there are three other people. Orson Welles

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