13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Saturday 24 March 2007

Saturday Week 8

Had a fairly relaxing day today, had to take the little one to his acting lessons so ended up in town for just over an hour. It was a bit grey and drizzly and plenty of people had taken refuge in places like Yates's sat in window view seats eating big platters of food, mmmmmm looked tempting!!
As I mentioned yesterday I have set myself a target. My birthday is at the end of May, 9 weeks this weekend. By the time I reach my birthday I would like to be down to 18 stone. This figure also equates to a half way mark for the whole diet.
I started at a weight of 358lb, I wish to reach 154lb which is a total goal loss for the diet of 204lb, therefore half way is a body weight of 256lb. 18 stone equates to 252lb, so 18 stone is 4lb past the half way mark!
This target means that I have 9 weeks to lose 43lb, which equates to an average of 4.8lb per week for the next 9 weeks. I would be really chuffed to reach this milestone as 18 stone is a figure I have in my head that people no longer consider you to be grossly overweight. Don't ask me where that comes from its just in my head. Maybe its the media, when you see a story where an overweight person has appeared in court for something they get described as "the 20 stone monster" or something similar. Did his extra weight make him commit the crime? probably not but that's the media for you.

Quote of the day: A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Walter Bagehot

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