13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Tuesday Week 14

Blimey where is the week going, 2 days gone already... I am going for my weigh in this week on Wednesday evening. That's 1 day earlier than usual so a lower loss than normal is to be expected. I have to go on Wednesday as Thursday is polling day / elections and I will be manning a polling station from just after 6 am through to close of poll at 10 pm when I have to take the ballot box to the counting centre, finishing about 11pm. I intend to take a 5 litre bottle of water a cranberry bar and Tetras kept cool in a little insulated lunch bag with ice packs.
Election day is always a long day and can be very drawn out if not busy, I have 1600 people on my register so hopefully they will keep me a bit busy. Election days in the past have consisted of a huge sports holdall full of snackage, pork pies, sandwiches, crisps, sweets you name it, if it can be eaten cold it would be in that bag and the day becomes one long grazing session, grabbing a bite between customers. It has also been known for us to order a pizza delivery to the polling station for a little light supper!!! or someones partner to arrive with fish and chips for all staff! Not this year CD food and water + a lot of will power! (I'll let you know on Friday how it went)

I have been asked by a lady at work how much more weight I intend losing, she can only work in Kilos so I converted my remainder, She said what 5 or 6 more No! 51 Kilos to go. she would not have it, you will be too small / waste away etc. She said she weighs 7 stone so I explained that I wish to lose in total the weight of 2 of her and she was in utter disbelief. Yes I still have a long way to go on my journey but I am feeling 100% committed and have no intention of straying, even if I do keep looking at the slimming world recipes, I am just looking for changing the kids now and for me after maintenance honest!
No exercise tonight, a short bike ride last night but that's it. I do have a day off on Friday and its a long Bank Hol weekend so maybe I will fit something in over the weekend.
I have drunk 5 litres of water and had all my meals today and I still feel great
I will be back to post again tomorrow after my 14th week weigh in results are known....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alan

You're doing great. Amazing how quickly the weeks fly by on this diet. It was 12 months for me on Sunday. I could not even have imagined 12 months ago how much my life would change.
Keep it up (I know you're definitely going to do it).
Just sent you mail.
p.s - your sidebar made me laugh. It's very nice to be called a star - thanks :)