13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Thursday 31 May 2007

Thursday Week 18 Weigh in

Just back from seeing my counsellor on what was quite a disappointing weigh in result! I only lost 3lb this week, that equates to exactly a stone lost in the last 3 weeks. Putting it that way 3 weeks for a stone is still bloody good but it is a bit of a disappointment when used to losing a stone in 2 weeks!!
Could it be my jelly I have been eating? could it be a general slowing down? or could it be the lack of water this week? Being on holiday has meant that I have struggled a bit with the water drinking, not through not being able to drink but more like too busy to notice I have not drunk for the last few hours!!
Lets hope next weeks weigh in is a big improvement!


Guinea said...

I think 3lbs in a week where you've not been drinking as much as you should is probably a result to be proud of. Especially if you've lost a stone in the previous weeks.

I think the weightloss can't always be as consistent as the straight line on your graph. For some reason, I am 2lbs heavier at the moment than I was at my last weigh-in and I've stuck religiously to the diet.

I think it's just one of those things.

mmuckle said...

Hi, just been reading your blog and

mmuckle said...

Hi, sorry about that, I will continue, I have just been reading your blog and you are an absolute inspiration. I have recently started the CD and have been SS for 23 days. My blog address is http://mmuckle-cdj.blogspot.com/
I think you have done fantastically well and your blog has really motivated me.
Keep up the good work.
Michelle Muckle (fellow CD er)