13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Monday Week 12

Today marks the start of my 12th week on this diet. I have to go back to see my doctor this week and I am sure she will be amazed at the difference she can see. No doubt she will moan that I am losing the weight too quickly!
I have moved down a size in shirts and trousers now in 44" trousers and 18" shirt, those trousers are a whole foot yes 12" smaller than my start size. I am very very pleased with that

Back at work I have received several more comments about my disappearing figure, some people who have been on holiday for the Easter break could not believe the difference in me this morning.. Its amazing the difference a week makes on this diet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing great ! I bet your GP will be impressed. Hope you take your photos along to remind her. These VLCDs are very motivating when you lose so quickly. Especially quick for men. Going to get my other half starte don Cambridge soon :-)