13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Friday 6 April 2007

Good Friday Week 10

Today has been a great Good Friday, I have spent time with family, the sun was shining and I feel good.
The day started with a shopping trip for the weeks groceries, I don't think that our local Tesco is closing any day over this weekend yet you would think they were closing for a week, It was packed solid, we purchased a healthy selection for the kids dinners next week and were not part of the mammoth chocolate rampage that was taking place in store. This is clearly the eve of the biggest chocolate gorging weekend of the year. We have already bought a small amount for our kids. I saw someone a few weeks ago buying an egg that stood 3 foot tall and cost £50 how much chocolate was in that!!! nothing like that for our kids
Whilst shopping I purchased some wholemeal flour to make a recipe I have for a sugar free carrot cake, I sooo wanted to taste it, I love to cook / bake but usually also love to eat my wares.
The kids absolutely adore carrot cake and I have a recipe for the best one I have ever tasted, trouble is it has stacks of sugar in it. This sugar free recipe is written by a lady called Jane Clarke who is a nutritionist for the Daily Mail & Times. It uses apple concentrate and maple syrup in place of sugar and also has wholemeal flour. It just has to be better for the kids than the original recipe. They seemed to approve, however were not so keen on the sugar free frosting on top. I have taken a lump round to my parents to get the definitive answer on what its like as none will be passing my lips, as gorgeous as it does smell!
If anyone would like either of my recipes, full calories or reduced, please email me and I will send by return.
I have to work all day and evening tomorrow so will probably not post anything for Saturday, however on Easter Sunday morning I will post some updated photos, to be taken that morning and then hurriedly posted on here, Check back and see what you think.

Quote of the day: Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.
Denis Waitley

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