13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Tuesday Week 20

Sorry I have not posted for a few days, been really busy and when I finally stop I just need to relax for a little while (ie watch big brother) then zonk out in bed

I have however still managed to drink plenty of water whilst keeping busy, basically doing DIY in the daytime / evening coupled with various meetings and training events I have had to attend. Oh I did manage to go to work for half a day yesterday morning then I took the afternoon and today off to try and crack the back on my DIY project which is taking far longer that I expected. I am typing this now awaiting a suitable time to start hammering in the back garden to avoid upsetting my neighbours more than I already have!!

I can feel that I am shrinking even further, my suits that I have been wearing now for just over a week are becoming looser (I don't have any smaller!) I keep getting comments at work and in fact everywhere I go and see people I know, even those I may have only last seen a couple of weeks ago. People still cannot believe the willpower that I have and how well I am looking, though everyone thinks I should stop losing now.
Hoping for another good week this week to move further towards my goal, I have a couple of weddings to attend later in the year and would like to be at target so I can at least munch on a small amount of something healthy to be sociable.

I am so pleased with my results so far and I hope anyone reading considering this diet can feel my passion for how it has made me feel losing so much weight, it has been so worth the effort. Its not been hard just very strange not eating.
I will return on Thursday with an update on my weekly weigh in.

1 comment:

Guinea said...

Your diet blog was one of the reasons I chose a VLCD. Your progess has been great and an inspiriation to lots of people.

I especially admire your bravery in posting you progress photos. Well done.