13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Friday 27 July 2007

Thursday Week 26, Months!!

Wow another week has passed by and that takes me to 26 weeks of this diet, yes half a year!! It has certainly flown by, one minute it was the end of January now we are at the kids summer holidays (if you can call it summer with all this torrential rain around the country)

I have had a good week this week weight wise losing 7lb taking me ever nearer to my target. I now have a BMI of 27.5 only 2.5 above a healthy weight!!
I have been really busy this week since we have a new addition to the family!!! yes we have a puppy, an 8 week old English Springer Spaniel and he is taking loads of my time.

My wife had a terrible week on the scales she showed a 1lb weight gain!! she has not cheated one bit, she has only had 2 bars all week however her water consumption has not been as good as it could be and looking at Icemooses post in the minimins forum http://www.minimins.com/cambridge-diet-forum/19842-why-drink-water-vlcd.html
it is clear to see why this may be the case. Her body has gone into water retention mode since it is getting very little other sustenance
I have been drinking loads of water and do not feel at all hungry though the nearer I get to target the more tempting food becomes!
I feel really good about myself and keep looking at clothes that now fit! I continue to get people amazed at how i look, just this week I had a man look at me and say "I know the face" he could not believe it was me another person has again this week asked if I have had my haircut! It's amazing that they can see a difference but do not know what the difference is. I am obviously quite happy to tell them since I am so proud of my loss.
Off now to give the pup some breakfast (I have a week off work now) but I will be back one day over the weekend to update my latest photo so please do pop back.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

I've lurked here before but not commented - don't know why 'cos I'm not a shy person. I'm blown away by your success and so impressed. In about the same time as you I've lost just over 8 stone on Lighter Life and have just under a stone to go so I know pretty much what you've been through and what a great journey it is. Having said that - over 11 stone deserves some serious respect.

So - adopting gangsta tone - respec' dude!!

Seriously though - I'm struggling with these last few weeks so I'm pleased to read how positive you are with 2 stone to go and it's inspired me to suck up the pain and not cheat this weekend which I was half planning on doing.

Thanks and keep it up!!

I've also had all the "you've lost enough" brigade but just block them out - half of them would be horrified to weigh as much as I do now so I don't understand why it's good enough for me but not them!! Stick to your guns and emerge the slim, helathy bloke you were always meant to be.
