13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Thursday 11 October 2007

Week 37, end of 5th week of maintenance

Hi everyone,
Well it looks like things are starting to plateau out a bit. I have been on my own scales tonight at the same time as my normal weigh in and have shown a 4lb weight loss, taking me back down to just under my target weight. I had once again just had my dinner so it should be a fairly good comparison to my CDC's scales.

I have had a good week weight wise making the most of 3 meals per day with plenty of veg and a few bits of fruit each day. I am now going to switch to following a weight watchers plan basing my points allowance on 27 which should in theory allow me to lose some weight. As I have said before I don't want to lose any weight but I will slowly increase the points to achieve a balance. The 1500 plan on Cambridge fits in very nicely with weight watchers and as I have said before I need something to carry on with as a lifelong programme. (I am not going to meetings but just plan on using it as a measuring guideline at home and documenting everything I eat)
I still feel like I need a control mechanism in place now my journey on CD is over. I need to have boundaries to avoid going back to old habits..... one thing is for sure I do not want to put the weight back on... EVER!!

I have loved doing the CD plan and fully wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who really wants to lose their weight. I hope that my blog lives on as an inspiration to others who may be considering starting CD.
I will still be back posting a weekly update for the time being just to let you know that I am "settled" on a lifelong journey of skinniness.
I hope to be shortlisted for slimmer of the year and look forward to meeting many others at the ceremony if I am successfully shortlisted.

Incidentally my wife lost 5lb this week. It seems like it took both of us a couple of weeks to balance after completing sole source.
Today is my wife's birthday and the weekend is our wedding anniversary so as a surprise I arranged a day trip to Venice for my wife. Yes just one day in Venice!! we fly out of Stansted at 0630 and back again at about 10pm giving us loads of time for a nice lunch and a bit of sightseeing, all for not much more than it would cost us to go to London on the train for the day!!

Yes we are going on a plane... a first in a long time, previously would not have been possible / comfortable prior to losing the weight... Thank you CD you have made my year. here's to a lovely trip, its due to be sunshine and 22 degrees

So I am off now to get an early night as we need to hit the road very early tomorrow morning


Guinea said...

Wow, you're still doing so well.

This was one of the first blogs I read just before I started my VLCD and I'm glad I can still use it as inspiration.

Well done, and keep going.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful treat (you old romantic!)

It's our millionth anniversary on Sunday, and we spent our honeymoon in Venice and Florence.....

And more congratulations: on reaching the Finals!

2008 can only be even better.....