13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Thursday 13 September 2007

Week 33 a Minor Blip!!!

Hi All,

Well this was my first week of eating, and very strange it has felt!!

you will see from my charts that I have in fact shown a 5lb weight gain this week which sounds horrendous I know. Well I am an eternal optimist and am putting it down to one major factor.... I had just had my meal, yes just 30 mins before weigh in I ate 275g of Quorn with vegetables and a CD bar for desert. ( I had to do it, straight after weigh in I had to attend a school governors meeting)
I have started off this week by going straight onto the 790 plan and intend to follow this for 2 weeks minimum, now I know there has been lots of debate on the forums about being BMI 25 + 1 stone and you should be on a minimum of the 1000 plan and the CD book says one thing yet Cambridge now say something different, well I have decided to plump for starting with 790 to allow my body to balance then move on up the steps for a week or 2 minimum on each (as per the yellow book)
The 790 plan seems like so much food after months without anything!! I have however managed it all without any problem and my 3 CD products each day too. I have been having a few more veg than the 3 tablespoons mentioned in the book, so whilst not cheating I have bent the rules a little (had the correct veg just a few more). Some may say well it serves you right then to show a weight increase!! Well I know that at the moment my weight still fluctuates by as much as 7lb during the course of the day, which is a tremendous amount and on top of this my body must be grasping hold of this food for dear life after fasting for so long!!
I am happy still as I am within the healthy BMI category and that is what I based my target of 12 stone upon, 12 stone plus a 10lb "window" Now I only need a good poo and that will drop a few pound!! If I get on the scales first thing tomorrow I can guarantee they will say 12 stone 3lb as this has been par for the last few days. It will be better to look next Thursday at a like for like comparison when I go for my weigh in again after eating my evening meal, rather than trying to compare this week with last when I had not consumed a morsel!! I intend to stick on 790 for a bit longer if the trend does not move downwards, I am however consuming far less calories than my body needs to function so it inevitably has to start balancing once the glycogen store refills and weight starts coming off again.
Do I sound like I am trying to convince myself??? I think I am just putting a brave face on in light of a shit result of a weeks weigh in!! It is disappointing to see a gain I know but I will keep my chin up. I have not been eating any "naughties" just a bit more veg than that specified and only the one meal a day as per the book!!

It has been nice though sitting down again as a family and eating a somewhat normal meal. I have had Quorn, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese & Tuna this week (not all at once of course!!) with various different vegetables and even used some bullion mix on my "Sunday lunch" as gravy. I had turkey breast steaks with broccoli and cauliflower and the gravy and I loved it!! Cottage cheese with a salad was not quite as appetising and has since been scrubbed off the menu for this week replaced by a nice hot chicken breast with courgettes!! far tastier.

I have also been doing plenty of dog walking, its getting darker and colder in the mornings now, 5am is now pitch black!! I have been wearing a weight watchers pedometer and easily racked up 2 "activity points" from my morning walk and general daytime mooching about so I must be doing something right!!

I went for my trial light aircraft flight at the weekend, It was fantastic, yes I took the controls for 1/2 hour whilst flying over Colchester even looking down on my own home on what was a glorious day weather wise. It was great to do something that would not have been possible before when I was overweight (16 stone weight limit). I have however given up on the idea of flying lessons as they say to get your pilots licence allow 60 hours of tuition and at £150 per hour, you can do the maths to see that its not a "cheap" hobby!! I did really enjoy my 1/2 hour trial though and am most grateful to my wife for the present.

So here's to another week on 790 and hopefully a better result on the scales next week, I am still very very committed and motivated and know that this week is only a minor blip that will even out... its got to on 790 calories!!!

I'll be back with an update next week, feel free to email me if you have any questions, Best wishes to you all
email thebigdiet@hotmail.co.uk

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