13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Tuesday 30 January 2007

Day 2

Not feeling too bad today, the kids dinner does have a very attractive smell to it though.

I have been peeing plenty, is it any surprise when you drink 8 pints of water per day

I am starting to notice just how much time I normally devote to food, whether it be buying it, preparing and cooking it or eating.... what will I do with all this extra time, well one thing is for sure I need to keep busy or I will go crazy for food.

I have had my water and milkshakes today and surprisingly do not feel ravenous. maybe I am starting to go into ketosis

KETOSIS: this is a process that occurs when your body has finished burning off your remaining food and glycogen. Once in this state I should no longer feel hungry as my body switches to burning fat for its fuel. Glycogen will return once I start eating normally and the weight associated with the water it holds, therefore I need to lose at least 1/2 stone more than my target. Each week when I see my counsellor I will have to pee onto a test strip which can detect how many ketones I am producing. This is really a test to see if you have cheated in the past week i.e. eaten something, it also will identify if I do not drink enough water.

Talking of target weights I have been studying a graph that shows if you are the correct weight. At the moment I fall off the end of this ideal weight chart, yes I am beyond the VERY OBESE category. For someone of my height (5'11") I should be somewhere between 9 & 12.5 stone to fall within the OK range 12.5 - 15 stone would class me as overweight. Anything over 15 stone makes me obese. Quite a challenge ahead of me.

Ok I am off now for another shake and a pint of water. At least with these shakes I know I am receiving all the necessary nutrients and vitamins that my body requires although not eating at all sounds beyond belief.

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