13 Stone 4lb lost in 32 weeks, now slimmer of the year 2007 runner up

Saturday 30 June 2007

Saturday week 22 Updated photos

Its been 4 weeks since I last updated my photos on here so I have this morning had my wife take some current pics to share and that coupled with my landmark 10 stone loss to date I am still feeling over the moon.
What do you think? can you believe that I am still in the obese category?
Can you see why people are telling me to stop losing now?!!!

I have a band of skin around my belly but after reading about Mike's (Icemoose)tummy tuck operation last week I don't think that will be a road I'll be going down, ouch sounds painfull!!!

Thursday 28 June 2007

Thursday Week 22, weigh in

Wow wow wow, I have done it.... I have now lost just over 10 Stone ,I lost 4lb this week taking my total loss to 10 stone 1lb in 22 weeks, or to be more precise 5 months to the day, I started on 28 January 2007 and here we are exactly 5 months on and I look like a completely different man. I just cant imagine carrying around 10 stone extra, I know several people that weigh that amount, the thought of having them strapped to my body 24/7 seems impossible but it was true, the photos prove it!!

So while I am full of joy at hitting this milestone my wife is not at all happy, she has only lost 1lb this week. This is her third week of poor weight loss. Today she peed on a keto stix and discovered that she is not in ketosis, this probably explains it, she has been feeling a bit "on edge" and hungry that coupled with poor weight loss must be the answer. What is a mystery though is why??? she follows the diet sole sourcing strictly, she consumes 7 - 8 pints of water every day (no change since starting) she has 2 shakes and 1 orange bar each day and water flavouring for 50% of her drinks. She does not cheat and have a little midnight snack, the most she might have for an extra is one piece of frozen CD toffee bar (1 twelth of bar bar frozen as a little sweetie!) and maybe a splash of chocolate tetra in a coffee, no more than 1 fifth of a carton in a cup of coffee (makes a nice mocha) but all of this is not a new phenomenon, she has followed this pattern for months now with no problem, no fizzy drink, no mouthwash or sprays, no chewing gum and certainly no food!!.... any answers would be much appreciated.

Off now to watch BB

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Monday Week 22

A recent lack of posts has this time to be blamed on "photography" yes I have just ventured into the world of Digital SLR cameras and have so much to learn it is taking all my spare time, and of course Big Brother on the TV!!
I have this week had to put away my suits and drop another trouser size, I am now wearing 38" waist, I have a couple of pairs of 36" and that's my lot for smaller clothes. I am wearing "large" in casual / T shirts and feel great in them.
I am getting a bit tired of people telling me I have lost enough now, I seem to be getting it at least 3 times a day. I remind people how much I weigh and the fact that I am still obese and then grab hold of my spare tyre belly to show them "look, still fat!!"

We went to watch the new Shrek movie at the weekend at a preview show and were in two minds as to which cinema to go to, both equal distance from our house. The deciding factor was that one of the cinemas is located in a clothing retail outlet village, and we chose not to go to this one!!! why??.... temptation to buy clothes!! I could now buy clothes in any of these lovely shops and the temptation to buy things may prove too great. Deep down I know that I do not need to buy clothes at this moment in time. A few weeks time and I will be a size smaller so I would be wasting my money, I need to wait until I have stabilised at a final goal weight then shop!!! I just love the feeling of being able to buy clothes that I want rather than just those that I can find to fit!
I am still consuming copious amounts of water each day, averaging 10 pints a day at the moment, I find the more I have the more I want? Strange I know.
At the weekend I had a choc-mint mousse on Saturday and made a berry fruit jelly for Sunday both were lovely and made a nice treat for the weekend. I am limiting myself to one mousse and one jelly per week as I am sure it is not just a coincidence that I lost a low amount on the week when I had one nearly every day.
Off now to do some work...

Thursday 21 June 2007

Thursday Week 21 (Part 2) weigh in results

Just returned from my week 21 weigh in where I have successfully lost another 5lbs this week!! this is excellent I am now under 16 stone!! in fact I now weigh 15 Stone 11 lb, I have lost 9 Stone 11lb and only have 3 stone 11lb to go until I am at my target weight!!
Another positive, I have a BMI at the moment of 30.8 just another few pounds and I will be out of the obese category. None of my friends / work colleagues believe that I am still classed as obese however until my BMI goes below 30 (hopefully real soon) I am still a fat b$£%&*d classed as obese!! roll on BMI 30 to be classed as just "overweight"
My wife has lost 3lb this week which she is not too chuffed at, this takes her loss over the last four weeks to 13lb so not quite a stone, she has not cheated at all so is a little despondent. This was not helped by the fact that my BMI is now just a tiny tad under hers!!

I am very happy with my progress and hope it continues at this same great rate, 10 Stone in 5 months is bloody impressive I think, another 3lb and I hit that target and since I commenced on 28 January I just need a 3lb loss or more next week to achieve it.

Thursday Week 21 (Part 1)

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the lack of recent posts, I have been busy every evening for the last few days (hence I am typing this from work at 0715) whether it be DIY, meetings or in fact last night we celebrated my eldest's 17th Birthday, he had a few friends round for a couple of hours in the swimming pool followed by hot dogs, cheese burgers, chips and a great big chocolate cake covered in chocolate cream and revels sweets (courtesy of my mums fair hands!) it all looked and smelt fantastic I would have loved to have eaten some!!
I think it is getting a little bit harder now the nearer I get to to target. People keep telling me that I have lost enough and I fit into regular clothes so the temptation feelings have increased. They have only increased a tiny tiny bit, I am nowhere near to stopping its more like I am just fancying more of the food I see however my commitment is still rock solid 100% and I will be going strong until I reach 12 stone! (I blame all the neighbours barbecues!)

I have my weigh in tonight and I will pop back with a weekly update as to how I have got on in week 21 of this amazing diet.

Sunday 17 June 2007

Sunday week 20 Fathers Day

Today marks the end of week 20 of complete abstinence, I think I am going to have to start talking in terms of months now rather than weeks, the 28th June marks 5 months on this diet and it is likely that I will have lost 10 stone. That sounds fantastic doesn't it, 10 Stone loss in 5 months!!! I will See how my next 2 weigh-ins go.

Today is Fathers day and this morning I was given some lovely gifts from my children, 2 bottles of aftershave and a set of cuff links. I was very pleased they had gone to the effort. I have not managed to sit around relaxing for the day though, we popped out this morning to a couple of shops then I have been doing a few jobs since, including preparing and cooking the roast diner for the kids, it is currently in the oven 5 minutes away from dishing up time. I thought I would write this blog in a spare 5 minutes before making gravy!!

I spent the day at a training course yesterday (yes on a Saturday, all day!!) I took plenty of water with me and had two and a bit pints before I went so did not have a problem. I also took a bar with me for lunch and managed to avoid the free lunch without people noticing my absence.
When I came home I shoveled and barrowed a ton of gravel from one of those big white bags into my back garden to finish off the landscaping now my hot tub gazebo and new fencing are complete.. its looking nice now!! fortunately I managed to dodge the torrential downpours!

I am off now to have my soup followed by a choc mint shake turned into blamanche with mix a mousse.

Thursday 14 June 2007

Thursday Week 20 Weigh Day

Wow just been out to see my CDC and have lost another 6lb this week!! this makes my average loss 6.6lb per week for the last 20 weeks.
I am not getting as many comments now, people have become used to the smaller "big Al" however people do now call me skinny!! me skinny noooo it cant be, I have always been the big guy!!
I have obtained a copy of todays "Full House" magazine which has the amazing story in it of Sarah (hereigoagain blog) This lady who I keep in touch with went from 25 stone down to 10 stone using CD. Take a look at her blog there is a link on the right of my screen or go out and spend 68p on a copy of the magazine.
I have drunk plenty of water and still swear that is the secret of my success. I feel mighty fine, full of energy and loving every minute of moving towards my goal only 4 stone 2 lb until I reach my target.
My wife only lost 1lb this week which is disappointing, however if she loses 3lb next week that still equates to a stone in 4 weeks which is average for a lady.

My wife and I are still seriously considering becoming counsellors at the end of our journey and hope to help inspire others along their journey's. It is interesting looking at the forums ie minimins and the CD forum there are new starters virtually every day and I just feel like shouting out to each and every one of them "This diet is great, stick with it, its worth it!!"

Off now for a soak in the hot tub

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Tuesday Week 20

Sorry I have not posted for a few days, been really busy and when I finally stop I just need to relax for a little while (ie watch big brother) then zonk out in bed

I have however still managed to drink plenty of water whilst keeping busy, basically doing DIY in the daytime / evening coupled with various meetings and training events I have had to attend. Oh I did manage to go to work for half a day yesterday morning then I took the afternoon and today off to try and crack the back on my DIY project which is taking far longer that I expected. I am typing this now awaiting a suitable time to start hammering in the back garden to avoid upsetting my neighbours more than I already have!!

I can feel that I am shrinking even further, my suits that I have been wearing now for just over a week are becoming looser (I don't have any smaller!) I keep getting comments at work and in fact everywhere I go and see people I know, even those I may have only last seen a couple of weeks ago. People still cannot believe the willpower that I have and how well I am looking, though everyone thinks I should stop losing now.
Hoping for another good week this week to move further towards my goal, I have a couple of weddings to attend later in the year and would like to be at target so I can at least munch on a small amount of something healthy to be sociable.

I am so pleased with my results so far and I hope anyone reading considering this diet can feel my passion for how it has made me feel losing so much weight, it has been so worth the effort. Its not been hard just very strange not eating.
I will return on Thursday with an update on my weekly weigh in.

Thursday 7 June 2007

Thursday Week 19 Weigh Day!!

Just had to get back to work and type my update, I went for my weigh in at 1200 today since I have to attend a meeting tonight, wow I lost another 6lb this week. This had made me very happy. My wife also lost 6lb and she is very pleased with herself.

I have now lost an amazing 9 Stone in 19 weeks!!! just take a look at my ticker, I am 2 thirds of the way through my journey and loving it!!!
I also had some other good news, my counsellor wants to recommend my wife and I for slimmer of the year which is a fantastic recognition even if we don't get through to any kind of final.
Must dash now I am supposed to be working....

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Tuesday Week 19

Week 19 on CD has started with me returning to work after a weeks leave (when I arrived the Air con and the PC network were knackered, meant I could not view all my emails waiting for me after a week off anyway!!). I have been inundated with comments about how I have lost enough now and blimey you have lost loads. I tell everyone that I am still 17 stone and have a long way to go and they find it hard to believe, They say I look 14 or 15 stone at most!! Some have told me I need to stop now or I will look wrong!! Not wrong just different from the old Bg Al !

I took some lovely home made cakes into work as it had been my Birthday last week (courtesy of my mum) I put them out near to my desk and all day people trawled up and helped themselves, I had none!!

I opened our swimming pool at the weekend for the season and swam a few lengths, I intend doing many more to aid fitness and try to tone up my now skinny arms, the sun was out and I had great fun with the kids.
My wife has noticed that she was very nearly out of ketosis yesterday, we can only put it down to the mix a mousse or water flavourings (she was using the flavouring for all her water) She noticed when she started to feel hungry yet had been drinking plenty. Today she has drunk only plain water and feels so much better although still getting over a stinky cold.

I have started wearing a suit to work, because I can!! yes I have some suits that are nearly new that now fit (I normally wear shirt & tie anyway) well just wearing a suit starts all the comments like "oooh off to an interview are we?" its quite funny but I did feel very smart in my smaller suit its amazing the difference just a jacket makes.
I will be going for my weigh in this week on Thursday lunchtime as I have a meeting to attend in the evening, I cant wait to see the scales this week and really want a better week than last!

I will be back with an update early evening Thursday, pop back to see how I get on!!

Sunday 3 June 2007

3 June 2007 Updated Photos!!

Well it's been 4 weeks since I last posted an updated picture, so here it is, my weight seems to have gone from my face, neck, arms with the last few stone still sitting in a bulge around my belly.
I have got a sun burnt neck this morning which is a result of me spending the day in the garden yesterday constructing a timber gazebo whilst the sun was blazing down. I was busy all day but still managed to drink plenty of water, about 12 pints in all. I did not have my last "meal" until about 10pm when I finally crashed into the armchair to relax.
During the the afternoon I had a Tetra chocolate shake mixed with about 8 ice cubes and put into the food processor, this whipped the mixture up into what I can only describe as a McDonalds chocolate milkshake, it filled a pint glass with some left over, it was very yummy and especially nice in the sun.
Having a day off construction work today, just been for a relaxing soak in the hot tub and if the sun appears later I intend sitting next to the pool and relaxing with a newspaper.....